We are a young Centre & we take pride in our numbers
People trained in Machine Learning and Bioinformatics
High Impact publications
national & international grants secured
> 4.8M
total amount of funds secured (RM)
completed projects/contract research

Research Focus

About Us
Overview & Inspiration
Following several successful ventures in research collaborations from the year 2014, the Centre of Excellence for Omics-Driven Computational Biodiscovery (COMBio), AIMST University, Malaysia was conceptualized and established between AIMST University, Prof. Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bent Petersen from University of Copenhagen in September 2017. Over the years, the Centre has grown from the funds generated through bioinformatics analysis services, workshops and several national as well as international grants secured by the team. Our focus is on using computational tools and AI for biodiscovery.
To become a referral point for Bioinformatics & AI
To conserve biodiversity through innovative R&D in computational biodiscovery, integrating omics technologies, supercomputing and AI
To train the next-generation cross disciplinary and transnational scientists
The Founding Members

Sivachandran Parimannan
Senior lecturer & RMC Director at AIMST University

Heera Rajandas
Senior lecturer & Director of COMBio, AIMST University

Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten
Professor at University of Copenhagen & Joint Director of COMBio

Bent Petersen
Assoc. Professor at University of Copenhagen & Joint Deputy Director of COMBio
Our Customers & Collaborators